Ostrich Burger Productions
Indie Game Studio
In-depth information concerning specific games.
A devblog with a personal touch.
Ostrich Burger Productions is a one-woman studio devoted to creating immersive stories.OBP has existed on paper for many years, yet published its first game in 2018.The majority of projects made are visual novels or other narrative heavy games, with a focus on compelling characters.
As new games are worked on, they will be added here with their info and status.
Here you'll find updates for games, whether that's new artwork, script update, etc.There will be:
In-depth logs about the game development process
Short logs or updates, including exciting new campaign launches or game releases
Anything and everything related to visual novels
A devblog with a personal touch. These may be longer and include personal thoughts and feelings regarding projects as well as game dev as a whole. May also include little snippets of non-game related subjects.